Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Slice-of-Life Day Seven Entries: One Teacher…One “Kindergarten” Student

One of Eleven
by Mrs. Sherwin

Since I can remember I have been one of eleven
One of eleven kids in our family
Donna, Al, Mike, Lisa, Doug, Dan, Brian, Kara, Lynn, Krista, and me
One of eleven kids that huddled in front of the Buck Stove to keep warm
Eating Mom’s homemade popcorn
I’m the one that climbs trees, digs up worms, and walks the creek looking for crayfish
I’m the one with the light brown hair and big hazel eyes with the scraped up knees
I’m the one who complains when Kara, Lynn, and Krista try to imitate me
Yet I style their hair so they look just like me
I’m the one who hates it when Dad makes us pick up apples with bees swarming all around
I’m the one that secretly didn’t like moving to the farm
I would have rather grown up in Upper St Clair by “our park” and stayed with our friends
One of eleven fishing and swimming in the lake
Whispering late at night in the “kids” tent on our camping trips
Eventually the “big kids” got older and left for college and got married
One by one they left…Donna, Al, Mike, Lisa, Doug, Dan
Being one of eleven felt a little different when we didn’t all live together
But we still had Dad’s burnt barbecue chicken to enjoy
Mom’s potato salad and pineapple upside down cake
Cold, fresh sun tea
Times changed
We’ve changed
But in the end, I’ll always be one of eleven

by Brianna B, Heritage Kindergarten

My cat’s name is Snowflake.
Snowflake is one of the babies.
I like to play with Snowflake.
My cat is white.
She looks like a snowflake.

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