Thursday, May 26, 2016

Slice-of-Life Day Ten Entries

Hockey with Jim
By Nick M, 3rd Grade Heritage

Every day, after school
Jim is playing hockey.
I drop my book bag and
Grab my stick and I start playing, too.
He says,“ Pick a team!” I pick one
(Mostly the pens).
He picks one, too (Mostly the blues).
Every day, after school
He drops the ball and we play,
He scores first and he ends up winning 5-4.
Just like always.
We play another game. I score first, I win.
(Most of the time).
Every day, after school
We never finish the third game.
I take the ball towards the wall
And he comes running in
He body checks me I hit the wall.
I go down. It hurts.
Every day, after school
I score and I win.
He whines, he complains. I tell him it’s okay.
But he wants to play again.
But it happens the same.
He doesn’t try again.
Every day, after school
Jim is playing hockey.

The Owner of Two
by Deven R, 3rd Grade Heritage

I sometimes start my day
By going to see my dogs.
Down the long, dark hall
And into my parent’s room.
I walk in and see my big lazy dog, Bone
Curled up in a ball
And Milo laying down weakly.
I give them a nice scratch on the head and move on.
My mom comes down with Bone and Milo.
They want to go potty so I let them out.
They come in, I give them a treat.
Then I start my day with a smile on my face,
Knowing that I’m an owner of two!

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