Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Slice-of-Life Day Two Entries: One Teacher…One Student

Two at a Time
By Mrs. Davis

Every morning
Without fail
My alarm rings
(for the fourth time)
I sigh, roll out of bed,
and I trip over Moses, my poodle,
wound tightly in his worn oval bed just beside mine.
He doesn’t even flinch.
No sooner do my two feet hit the floor
than Jasper, my Schnauzer, is already on my bed
tunneled beneath the just-evacuated covers,
Hoping my husband Ben won’t notice
The switcheroo.
They stay put
Moses and Jasper do
(slightly annoyed by the turning on of lights
And the buzz of the hair dryer)
Until the inevitable moment
When I walk down the hallway,
Turn the corner,
Take that first creaky step downstairs.
And then, because nature calls,
They rise reluctantly
With simultaneous yawns and stretches
and hobble down the stairs,
through the kitchen,
out the back door
To a wake-up call of cool breezes blowing through the backyard
Without fail
Moses and Jasper do

One of Two
By Ryleigh J, 5th Grade Heritage

Ever since I remember, I’ve been one of two.
Thomas and me.
One of two who LOVE mom’s zucchini bread.
One of the two who like homemade lemonade.
One of the two who like the pool on hot summer days
And eating ice cream.
I’m the only one with long light brown hair and has
My mom’s hazel eyes.
I’m one of the two who likes riding bikes
around the neighborhood on summer days.
When Thomas isn’t around I become one of three.
My dad, mom, and me.

And that’s ok too.

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